A herpes Cure - Which is Right For You? How Far Away is a Cure For Herpes Simplex Virus Type I?
The question of how far away is a cure for herpes often crops up whenever someone has contracted the herpes virus.
For some reason, when herpes is mentioned many people wonder how far away is a cure for herpes as if they were asking, how far is the moon?
Fortunately, the answer to this question is very simple.
There is no such thing as a cure for herpes or any other disease for that matter because all diseases are caused by a virus that makes entry into the body via a specific type of microscopic channel called a pore.
So in order to understand the answer to the question of how far away is a cure for herpes we need to understand how different types of herpes affect the body.
There are five general types of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) - Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV), Herpes Simplex Virus Type I (HSV-I), Genital Herpes Virus Type II (HIV-II), and Nail Virus. Each of these viruses is caused by a different set of strains of a virus called a "family."
When the Herpes Simplex Virus enters the body through a pore, it begins to replicate itself rapidly in the same manner as cancer cells do.
This is why the symptoms of herpes look so like those of many other medical conditions - fever, pain, swelling, and redness of the skin, as well as sometimes a rash or muscle ache.
However, these are all symptoms generated by the Herpes Simplex Virus, not by cancer or other diseases. In fact, these symptoms are actually warning signs that the virus has become active in the body.
If Herpes Simplex could be viewed as a type of cancer, doctors might be able to tell at once whether or not an outbreak of the illness was about to begin.
There are different ways to determine if you have Herpes Simplex Virus Type I or II, however.
The easiest way to do this is through a simple physical examination. When there is an outbreak on the skin, a raised blister will appear with a center that is slightly smaller than the outer edges of the blisters.
In addition, there will usually be a small bump or scar on the skin at the opening of the blister.
A physician can easily look at these things and, in turn, draw conclusions about whether or not the outbreak is Herpes I or II.
Once it is determined that an outbreak of the herpes virus is taking place, there are many treatment options available.
Some of these treatments can be used at home on a daily basis, while others will need to be prescribed to a doctor.
The medications for these two forms of the illness tend to be topical in nature. Topical medications work to fight the virus from the inside of the body, while prescription medications are used to treat the outbreaks on the surface of the skin.
It is important for individuals to realize that these two forms of the virus are completely different. While outbreaks on the skin may seem similar, there are really no similarities between the two.
These two types of the virus require two different treatments in order to be completely effective. In addition, both types of the virus can manifest themselves in other places besides the surface of the skin.
When considering how far away is a cure for Herpes Simplex Virus Type I, one must consider how close the virus is to the surface of the skin. When the virus is in the skin, it will be much easier to locate and take care of.
The herpes virus, however, is at that point in its life where it is most contagious, therefore making it extremely important for individuals to avoid kissing someone who has it.
This is especially important when the infected individual is being evaluated for and or treatment for another illness.
When an infected individual is trying to receive medical care for a disease other than Herpes Simplex Virus I, they must be sure to wash their hands frequently after touching any part of the body that has been touched by an infected person.
Once an outbreak has begun on the skin surface it will remain active for up to 10 days before subsiding.
After this period of time, the infected individual must begin washing their hands numerous times in order to flush out any traces of the virus that remain on the skin.
This can be a very difficult task for an individual who has never had outbreaks before, but with time and patience, they will learn how to perform this task with greater ease and confidence.
If you are wondering how far away is a cure for Herpes Simplex Virus Type I, the answer will be as close as your arm's length.
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